Downloading and Installing Home Use Client Files

This article details the steps for both downloading and installing Home Use client files.

Note: These instructions are for EEGer4 440t or later. Both the Clinical system and the Home Use system must be on a compatible version of the software. For information on how to upgrade to the latest version, see here.

Downloading Home Use Client Files

Download Files via the Home Use Cloud

Recent versions of EEGer allow Home Use files to be installed from within EEGer. The files must first be uploaded by the Supervising Clinician in order for them to be downloaded.

  1. Ensure that the computer is connected to the internet and that the Home Use dongle is connected to the computer.
  2. Navigate to Client>Home Use>Download HU files from cloud from the top toolbar of EEGer’s main screen.
  3. A new window will appear that shows all files uploaded for the connected dongle. Each file will include the Dongle Number and File Description entered by the clinician during the upload process. Each file will also show the date and time that the file was uploaded.

    Note: When viewing the Home Use Cloud from a Home Use system using EEGer 440v or later, new files will be sorted to the top of the list. This makes the latest files easier to find and download.
  4. Select the file(s) to download, then press Download.
  5. A confirmation window will appear if the files were downloaded successfully. Press OK to dismiss this confirmation, then close the Home Use Cloud window using the X in the top right.

The home use files have now been downloaded successfully to the computer and can be installed.

Downloading Files via Email or File Sharing Service

If Home Use client files cannot be sent using the Home Use Cloud, they will be sent by email or using a file sharing service. The Supervising Clinician should coordinate with the Home-User to upload or send the file so that it can be downloaded onto the computer.

Most files downloaded from email, or the web will be automatically put in the Downloads folder on the computer but may also be downloaded to the Desktop or My Documents sections of the computer.

Installing Home Use Client Files

Installing EKC Files

  1. Connect the Home Use dongle to the computer. The dongle must be connected to install Home Use client files.
  2. Navigate to Client>Home Use>Create home use client (EKC) from the top toolbar of EEGer’s main screen.

    Note: On some versions of the software, this path may be Client>Remote-use Options>Install a new EEGer remote-use client (.EKC)
  3. A File Explorer window will appear. Navigate to the location where the EKC file is saved on the computer.
  4. Select the file and press Open in the bottom right to install the file.
  5. After a moment, a confirmation message will appear - this client can now be used for live sessions!

If errors are encountered during this process, see this article.

Installing EKR Files

  1. Connect the Home Use dongle to the computer. The dongle must be connected to install Home Use client files.
  2. Navigate to Client>Home Use>Read home use updates (EKR) from the top toolbar of EEGer’s main screen.

    Note: On some versions of the software, this path may be Client>Remote-use Options>Read EEGer remote-use permission file (.EKR) received from clinician
  3. Select the Client that the update should be provided to. This must match the Client ID that the EKR file was created for.
  4. A File Explorer window will appear. Navigate to the location where the EKR file is saved on the computer.
  5. Select the file and press Open in the bottom right to install the file.
  6. After a moment, a confirmation message will appear - this client has had their permissions or session plan updated!

If errors are encountered during this process, see this article.


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